Oh, Yelo There! How are You?
If you have ever had the lovely experience of having responsibility (none of us even know what that is, so we looked it up) than you certainly must be tired. Responsible for walking the dog in the morning. Responsible for doing the family taxes. Responsible for that big presentation going on tomorrow that no one, including the freaking interns, told you about until 5pm today!!!!! STUPID PRESENTATION!!!!! STUPID INTERNS!!!!!
Don't we all deserve a time out? A little nap where we can enjoy the blissful detachment of a full body, 30 minute, shutdown. Go to 315 West 57th Street (NYC, baby). Take a nap. Yelo is a small salon that specializes in naps. Reflexology, if you're trying to be trendy. The YeloCabs (their patented nap-cabins) have purified air, aromatherapy, chromatherapy, a diverse music selection, and the YeloChair. The YeloChair raises the feet and promotes circulation to your chest, inducing sleep much faster. You can nap for up to 40 minutes (anything more than that and you'll enter REM sleep and wake up grumpy). Stop napping under your desk. You're upper management now, and that sort of thing is tacky. Be trendy and tell your friends all about it. Recommend it to your boss and he'll think either A) "this tree-hugging hippie thinks I should take a flower-power nap, where?" or B) "Ah, that sounds like a great idea, Johnson! Maybe it will help me play a better round this weekend. Good work. Promotion!" .... or maybe not.
Site of the Day: www.yelonyc.com