Thursday, May 31, 2007

Sun Powered Periphs

The Governator, Arnold, would be so proud. Now Californians and Sherpas across the world can unite to celebrate a zero cost, solar-input energy source for your iPOD, etc. Its so good for the planet it will make your typical SUV driver cringe.

It uses three photovoltaic cells (solar panels) to convert UV to Electricity. The batteries inside store the energy and then the power is transferred to your iPOD through a cable. It folds up and fits in the palm of your hand. Connects with a cornucopia of personal devices and is relatively cheap ($99). 1 hr in the sun relates to 25min of talk time on the Sidekick or 1hr of pumping iPOD basslines. Tree-hugging-fist-pumpers rejoice.

Best for:
*Day at the Beach
*Climbing Mt. Everest
*Weekend Camping trips
*Bus Rides w/ no power outlets
*Scientific Expeditions
*Recharging on the go

Site of the Day:

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Get Your Daily FIX.

So you go to work and sit at that computer all day?

Only during lunch (ha, right!) you're going to buy that new pair of manolo blahniks. Lunchtime EBay has limited editionGI Joe action figures (Cobra Commander was always your favorite) ....and hasn't yet been blocked by Anthony the creepy IT guy.

Every last office-minion has that website that they check everyday. Unless you're the super-itern that nobody really likes. But, in any case, you can type in your favorite website's address faster than you can type your own name. The blog is still pretty new, but if you congregate here please tell us which site you check everyday in the comments section. Don't be shy.

Site of the Day: (Please see the comments section).

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Great Internet Garage Sale

Ebay? Right. That's for yuppies.
Check out Craigslist.

What I'm talking about here is your neighborhood garage sale, on the internet. Let's talk features, people.

+ It's Local for everyone. NY, LA, Wichita, everywhere.
+ You wont have to ship something from Nebraska.
+ You can easily search whatever you want, from toasters, to clothes, to motorcycles.
+ Discussion boards
+ Feeling lonely? Meet Mr. Right.
+ Get a job
+ Please read the "Best of Craigslist"
+ For Sale >> Free (Best Category Ever)

Simply put, its the best classifieds in all the land.

Site of the Day:
(My sincerest apologies to those who already know all about this.)

Friday, May 25, 2007

The $100 Laptop

Social responsibility is making computer programmers smile. You can usually leave the preaching up to the twenty-one year old white-kid with dreadlocks who is sooo into jam-bands, dude. "I haven't showered in 14 days to protest social injustice in Ethiopia!" Right, dude. But this time MIT-types are stepping in to mix things up a little.

'One Laptop Per Child' (OLPC) is the non-profit organization that is going to put a laptop in the hands of every school-aged child in every developing country across the world. That means that Mr. Dude can take a shower with the peace of mind that kids in Ethiopia have MySpace... well, sorta. Giving kids access to the Internet is going to set them loose... intellectually... and the laptop that is going to do it costs less than $130. Beat that, Dell.

This thing is construction grade. Each laptop works as as router and broadcasts Internet to other laptops who broadcast Internet to them. NETWORKING! Better resolution than your new IBM ThinkPad(1200x900 vs. 1024x768), and Open Source software. Why give the kids boundaries? Let them manipulate the computers to do whatever they can imagine.

Wait for it.... this is the best part.... Since its most likely that these kids wont have access to electricity, the laptop has its own hand crank to make it completely self sufficient. The CPU, at the very most, only requires 2 watts, so Ricky in Uruguay can crank the handle a couple times and have Internet for half an hour. Battery low? Give it another crank, man. Awesome.

Now 36 million computers are in production. The kids who get these are in some shiesty situations.... with this help in their corner, hopefully they can overcome some of that. Charity? Nope. It's empowerment.

Site of the Day: It's got all the details.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day Duex

Although the site is brand new, and I'm almost sure no one has seen it yet, we will diligently post new things everyday.

Everyday we will be giving some insight on things we find that make you smile. This is a community site, so we are going to make it fun for everyone. JPC's clients, friends, employees, and future clients all have access to this.

Our first feature will be to give you a new and exciting 'Site of the Day.' So come back everyday and we'll have something cool for you to see. Any suggestions of sites (even your own companies website!!)? Send them to us at

'Site of the Day':
This is a deal-a-day site that sells electronics for REAL cheap.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Welcome to JPC Consulting's new Blog.

We're in the process of creating new features, articles and exciting things to add to the blog. So keep coming back to see what we're adding.

Seriously, come back often. We're not just saying it. We'll have new stuff for you every day.

Any suggestions? Electronically mail it to us at