Free mp3s are NOT dead
You can still download mp3s nowadays on the internet.... for free. In fact, if you spend some time with your 13 yr old daughter, she'll show you exactly how to do it. Except maybe you'll want to download Steely Dan's Greatest Hits and she'll want to download some sad rock band where the lead singer uses more mascara than any 22 yr old boy should.
Download the FULL ALBUMS all in one shot!!! (hooray!)
BitLord is the piece of software that is going to do the actual downloading....
You will only have to install this software once....ever.
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: Click on the "Download" tab that is on the main menu (underneath the huge skull)
Step 03: Click on "Download Bitlord v.1.1 STABLE VERSION"
Step 04: Don't chicken out yet! We won't let you down.
Step 05: Hit "RUN." Hit "RUN" again when it tells you that "Bitlord is an Unknown Publisher"
Step 06: JPC is NOT sketchy. We wouldn't tell you to download viruses. sheeesh.
Step 07: Hit the "NEXT" button until you finish.
Torrents are the things you download. They have all of the mp3s!
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: This site will let you search through ALL of the search sites.
Step 03: Type what you are looking for in the box at the top-left of the screen.
Step 04: Click on a website to search (we recommend Torrentspy)
Step 05: Pick (and click on) the search result that best suits your query.
Step 06: Note that the more "Seeders" and the less "Leeches" the faster you will download.
Step 07: Scroll down and look through the "files"
Step 08: Select "Download Torrent" and then select "Open" on the Pop-up box
Step 09: BitLord will open up. Select a destination for the files and download away!
Sites of the Day: /
Download the FULL ALBUMS all in one shot!!! (hooray!)
BitLord is the piece of software that is going to do the actual downloading....
You will only have to install this software once....ever.
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: Click on the "Download" tab that is on the main menu (underneath the huge skull)
Step 03: Click on "Download Bitlord v.1.1 STABLE VERSION"
Step 04: Don't chicken out yet! We won't let you down.
Step 05: Hit "RUN." Hit "RUN" again when it tells you that "Bitlord is an Unknown Publisher"
Step 06: JPC is NOT sketchy. We wouldn't tell you to download viruses. sheeesh.
Step 07: Hit the "NEXT" button until you finish.
Torrents are the things you download. They have all of the mp3s!
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: This site will let you search through ALL of the search sites.
Step 03: Type what you are looking for in the box at the top-left of the screen.
Step 04: Click on a website to search (we recommend Torrentspy)
Step 05: Pick (and click on) the search result that best suits your query.
Step 06: Note that the more "Seeders" and the less "Leeches" the faster you will download.
Step 07: Scroll down and look through the "files"
Step 08: Select "Download Torrent" and then select "Open" on the Pop-up box
Step 09: BitLord will open up. Select a destination for the files and download away!
Sites of the Day: /
Labels: bit lord, bitlord, download, free, mp3, mp3s, torrent, torrents