Monday, July 23, 2007

PlayPumps - Kid Powered Water

These merry-go-rounds use kid power to pump water in developing countries, so far 700 PlayPumps have been installed in South Africa - "While children have fun spinning on the PlayPump (1), clean water is pumped (2) from underground (3) into a 2,500-liter tank (4), standing seven meters above the ground. A simple tap (5) makes it easy for women and children to draw water. Excess water is diverted from the storage tank back down into the borehole (6). The water storage tank (7) provides a rare opportunity to advertise in rural communities. All four sides of the tank are leased as billboards, with two sides for consumer advertising and the other two sides for health and educational messages. The revenue generated by this unique model pays for pump maintenance. The design of the PlayPump makes it highly effective, easy to operate and very economical, keeping costs and maintenance to an absolute minimum. Capable of producing up to 1,400 liters of water per hour at 16 rpm from a depth of 40 meters, it is effective up to a depth of 100 meters."
Site of the Day:

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Harvard Develops Robotic Flying Insect

In a move sure to enkindle flying robotic creatures everywhere, a new species is finally ready to join the gang, as a "life-size, robotic fly has taken flight at Harvard University." The diminutive creation weighs just 60-milligrams, sports a three-centimeter wingspan, and has been developed to boast movements "modeled on those of a real fly." Notably, this isn't the first time we've seen researchers rely on the works of nature in order to craft their own mechanical beings, and given the fly's innate ability to be an excellent spy or chemical detection agent, it's no shock to hear that DARPA is reportedly sponsoring the endeavor. As expected, taking flight was simply the first step in a long line of improvements to come, as the man behind the machine is now looking to integrate an onboard battery and create a flight controller so that the robot can move in different directions.

Site of the Day: watch the video

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Electric Shock Fishing

There is an invasion of Fish on the Mississippi River. That doesn't really sound like a big deal, but the fish that are infesting the river are not originally from the river. They are invaders. Asian Carp counts for approximately 9 out of 10 fish on some tributaries of the Mississippi.

Park Rangers have only one way to observe how dire the situation has gotten... they put metal wires into the water and SHOCK the fish. It's absurd how many fish are in the water and how they jump out! Take a minute or two and watch the video below. You'll be shocked (that is such a terrible, terrible pun). But, hey, anything to make fishing a little more interesting, you know?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Free DIY Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface is the company's brand new initiative to make touchscreen computer-tables possible. Microsoft recently had a press conference to announce this product for the future. You may remember reading about this in our newsletter. The major downside is, hands-down, the price. Each 'Surface' will cost upwards of $10,000. Who can pay for that? Linux to the rescue!

Linux is in the process of developing a free version of a similar product. The software will be free, anyway. You only need a normal computer plus any number of keyboards and mice attached to use it. The system lets multiple users to interact with one or various applications simultaneously. The software is still in development and there are a ton of bugs to fix according to However, it will give you a good idea about what you will be able to do.

Things get a lot more interesting when you connect a MPX-enabled Linux system to a Mitsubishi Electric's DiamondTouch display table. Like Microsoft Surface, the DiamondTouch is also a "multi-user, debris-tolerant, touch-and-gesture-activated screen for supporting small group collaboration" surface. (with help from

Site of the Day: Gizmodo

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Free mp3s are NOT dead

You can still download mp3s nowadays on the internet.... for free. In fact, if you spend some time with your 13 yr old daughter, she'll show you exactly how to do it. Except maybe you'll want to download Steely Dan's Greatest Hits and she'll want to download some sad rock band where the lead singer uses more mascara than any 22 yr old boy should.

Download the FULL ALBUMS all in one shot!!! (hooray!)

BitLord is the piece of software that is going to do the actual downloading....
You will only have to install this software once....ever.
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: Click on the "Download" tab that is on the main menu (underneath the huge skull)
Step 03: Click on "Download Bitlord v.1.1 STABLE VERSION"
Step 04: Don't chicken out yet! We won't let you down.
Step 05: Hit "RUN." Hit "RUN" again when it tells you that "Bitlord is an Unknown Publisher"
Step 06: JPC is NOT sketchy. We wouldn't tell you to download viruses. sheeesh.
Step 07: Hit the "NEXT" button until you finish.

Torrents are the things you download. They have all of the mp3s!
Step 01: Go to
Step 02: This site will let you search through ALL of the search sites.
Step 03: Type what you are looking for in the box at the top-left of the screen.
Step 04: Click on a website to search (we recommend Torrentspy)
Step 05: Pick (and click on) the search result that best suits your query.
Step 06: Note that the more "Seeders" and the less "Leeches" the faster you will download.
Step 07: Scroll down and look through the "files"
Step 08: Select "Download Torrent" and then select "Open" on the Pop-up box
Step 09: BitLord will open up. Select a destination for the files and download away!

Sites of the Day: /

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

FON. Get WiFi Wherever You Are

Remember when you were in Kindergarten and your teacher told you that sharing is caring? Well, it's true. FON is about sharing WiFi with everyone. You purchase the FON router and share a part of your home's wireless internet with everyone and in turn you will get access to everyone else's wireless internet.

The best part (besides the commercials) is that FON is all over the world. If you find yourself travelling alot or just like the idea of being able to get to the internet wherever you are (for free) then FON may be exactly what you were looking for.

So instead of paying for a Linksys router, consider spending the $50 for the FON router. You still pay for your own internet, but you're just replacing your old router with one that will share that internet. The router creates two networks (on public and one private) so that you don't have to worry about random people hacking into your house's computer network. Oh, and please see the hilarious matador commercial below:

Site of the Day:

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Can't Find A CD or DVD?

Today we focus on different types of Disc storage and management. Well, at least the ones we like:

The first is the Imation Disc Stakka system. This device is great for small business or home use. There are many versions out there, but the Imation Disc Stakka is a great product. It allows you to catalog the CDs as you insert them, so that later on you can search a database using Imation software and have the Disc Stakka spit out the correct disc without ever having to flip a page! Once set up it’s as simple as using Google to find and retrieve your CD or DVD. The jukebox can be linked to more of the same device offering space for up to 1000s of discs. The downside, you have to remove the disc from the jukebox and insert into the DVD player or the CD-ROM drive in order to access the information on the disc.

Imation Disc Stakka – 100 Discs to 50,000 Disc Options. Each $169

Second, but my personal favorite, is the Case Logic Leather 92 CD holder carrying case. This rugged case comes with enough room to hold 92 discs in protective sleeves that also make it easy for you to see the disc’s title. The binding is high quality plastic, holding 23 pages, holding 2 CDs on each side. The zipper is built to the leather casing and can withstand lots of abuse. The case has a leather handle that makes carrying this awesome case a joy!
Case Logic Leather Case – Holds 92 Discs $19.99

Friday, July 6, 2007

One Red Paperclip

Trade one paperclip for one house. Deal. That's what Kyle McDonald did. He's a young man from British Columbia (Canadia) who started with one red paperclip and then started to "up-trade" for bigger and better things. We keep talking about around here, and this is a perfect example of why it is so wonderful. He posted the Paperclip onto and then he got a trade. Then went back and got a better trade. It started to spiral out of control. AMAZING.

He traded a paper clip for a pen, for a doorknob, for a grill, etc, etc.... Alice Cooper got involved and then there were recording contracts and snow globes and movie roles on the trading block. It is quite amazing the people that Kyle met and traded with. Finally he ended up with a house on Main Street in Kipling, Saskatchewan. 503 Main Street to be exact.

Check out his story and see what you can trade for bigger and better things. Have fun!

Site of the Day:

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Forget XM and Sirius

Maybe don't just forget about XM and Sirius, but you should consider forgetting about them while you're at work or at your home computer. is going to be your next music best-buddy.

Create a profile and download the software to get personalised radio whose playlist is based on YOUR music taste. The radio player will learn what you listen to and start to stream music that you will love. It tracks the music you play in iTunes and Media Player and tells your profile. It learns you and exposes you to things that will make you happy. The more time you spend with it the more it will make you happy. Sort of like a niece or nephew (and you can shut it off, much like you can send your sibling's kin back to them). It streams the music too, so you can listen at work.

UPSIDE: It's free!! You can stream from all of your favorite, popular artists.
DOWNSIDE: You can't download the tracks unless the artist offers the tracks for free.


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50" FlatScreens Compared

(by David Katzmaier)
Plasma technology seems like it's been around a long time--so long, in fact, that we've received reader mail asking whether plasma is going the way of the dodo, soon to be supplanted by LCD and other technologies coming down the pike. But with the delay of SED, the popularity plasma in larger screen sizes, and the further development of plasma technology, we feel comfortable predicting plasma will be around for a long time to come.

While we have yet to see how some examples of improved plasma technology, such as Pioneer's upcoming high-contrast models, perform in the real world, we have gotten a chance to test other new tech, in the form of the glare-reducing screens on Panasonic and Samsung plasmas. Glare reflecting off the screen from in-room lighting has always been an issue with plasma, so both makers set out to combat the problem with special screens--and Panasonic was a bit more successful than Samsung, although the Samsung plasma's picture was good enough in other areas to make up the difference. Meanwhile we just reviewed a budget 50-inch Vizio plasma that proves, once again, that even the "old" flat-panel tech can be a great choice at the right price.

Please see the handy-dandy spreadsheet below for the side-by-side comparison. If your eyes aren't tuned to read that small type, click on the image to see the full size. Hooray!

Site of the Day: The Review: Click Here

P.S. Please tell us that it feels like a Monday in your office, too! In our eyes the 5th of July should be a holiday as well. Don't they know that we're just gonna stay up all night watching fireworks?

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Monday, July 2, 2007

Sensationalism: The Prairie Doggy

The internet is a beautiful place where people can go to interact and share. Yet they insist on sharing complete stupidity. We Love It. Whether it's Paris Hilton, the ridiculous iPhone or a Dramatic Prairie Dog, it's all for fun. Just to cheer everyone up on a Monday morning, we're compiling a group of videos that display the Prairie Dog craze at its best. Doesn't it remind you of the Dancing Baby!?

Site of the Day:

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